


These are just a few of the things David is worried about:

1. Nuclear War
2. Forgetting to wear pants to school
3. Getting his leg chomped by a shark
4. Sneezing on Kelli Ann
5. His bar mitzvah speech
Ages 10+
Pages 237
Publisher Scholastic, Inc.
Coming Sep 2024
Sydney Taylor Silver Medal Winner
School Library Journal Starred Review

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144 Reviews
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What the Book is About

Between preparing for his bar mitzvah, memorizing random facts with his trivia team, and mediating between his Jewish Granny M. and his Chinese grandmother Wai Po, David Da-Wei Horowitz has a lot on his mind. But when he realizes that the Soviet Union could start a nuclear war, that starts to make all his other worries seem irrelevant. Set in 1984 with plenty of vintage Cold War references, this book showcases David’s efforts to keep the peace between his friends, within his family, and across his country. Kids will identify with his relatable struggles and realistic voice.

Jewish Content & Values

  • David’s family celebrates his bar mitzvah at synagogue, where he reads from the Torah and makes a speech. The whole family is called up to the bima to receive a blessing, and David’s sister, Lauren, sings “Adon Olam”. 
  • David is twinned with a Russian boy who is celebrating his bar mitzvah at the same time as David. In the process, David learns about the Iron Curtain and how Soviet Jews were not free to practice their religion. 

Positive Role Models

  • Granny M. is very involved in planning David’s bar mitzvah. She meets with Rabbi Doug and finds a “Russian Twin,” Alexi, to share in the celebration.
  • Hector, David’s best friend, is loyal and keeps his word.  When David asks him to eat spam for 3 days for an experiment, he agrees cheerfully, even though it makes him ill. 
  • Rabbi Doug offers David guidance on how to be a better friend to Hector.
  • David matures throughout the story realizing that his friendship with Hector is more important than his junior high social status.

Content Advisory

David and his friends watch The Day After, a scary made-for-TV movie about the aftermath of nuclear war. Details like people losing their teeth and hair and appearing as X-rayed skeletons are discussed. David’s class is reading 1984, and it’s mentioned that some parents are upset that the book contains sex. A Holocaust movie, Sophie’s Choice, is referenced in the context of having to choose whom to include in the fallout shelter the boys are digging. There’s some silly bathroom humor, and David’s flat “tuchus” (behind) is mentioned several times while suit shopping. There’s some very mild budding romance between Kelli Ann and David. 

Talk it Over!

David and his friends watch The Day After, a scary made-for-TV movie about the aftermath of nuclear war. Details like people losing their teeth and hair and appearing as X-rayed skeletons are discussed. David’s class is reading 1984, and it’s mentioned that some parents are upset that the book contains sex. A Holocaust movie, Sophie’s Choice, is referenced in the context of having to choose whom to include in the fallout shelter the boys are digging. There’s some silly bathroom humor, and David’s flat “tuchus” (behind) is mentioned several times while suit shopping. There’s some very mild budding romance between Kelli Ann and David. 

More for You

Most Soviet Jews suffered from a lack of religious freedom and discrimination in education and job prospects, but it wasn’t until the American movement to free Soviet Jewry became powerful in the 1970s that activists were subject to exile and imprisonments. Refuseniks (those restricted from emigrating) such as Natan Sharansky, who spent nine years in prison, were the heroes of the movement. By the time the Iron Curtain fell, more than 10,000 Soviet Jews were emigrating from Russia each month, mostly to the US and Israel.

What the Book is About

What the Book is About

Between preparing for his bar mitzvah, memorizing random facts with his trivia team, and mediating between his Jewish Granny M. and his Chinese grandmother Wai Po, David Da-Wei Horowitz has a lot on his mind. But when he realizes that the Soviet Union could start a nuclear war, that starts to make all his other worries seem irrelevant. Set in 1984 with plenty of vintage Cold War references, this book showcases David’s efforts to keep the peace between his friends, within his family, and across his country. Kids will identify with his relatable struggles and realistic voice.

Jewish Content & Values

  • David’s family celebrates his bar mitzvah at synagogue, where he reads from the Torah and makes a speech. The whole family is called up to the bima to receive a blessing, and David’s sister, Lauren, sings “Adon Olam”. 
  • David is twinned with a Russian boy who is celebrating his bar mitzvah at the same time as David. In the process, David learns about the Iron Curtain and how Soviet Jews were not free to practice their religion. 

Positive Role Models

  • Granny M. is very involved in planning David’s bar mitzvah. She meets with Rabbi Doug and finds a “Russian Twin,” Alexi, to share in the celebration.
  • Hector, David’s best friend, is loyal and keeps his word.  When David asks him to eat spam for 3 days for an experiment, he agrees cheerfully, even though it makes him ill. 
  • Rabbi Doug offers David guidance on how to be a better friend to Hector.
  • David matures throughout the story realizing that his friendship with Hector is more important than his junior high social status.

Content Advisory

David and his friends watch The Day After, a scary made-for-TV movie about the aftermath of nuclear war. Details like people losing their teeth and hair and appearing as X-rayed skeletons are discussed. David’s class is reading 1984, and it’s mentioned that some parents are upset that the book contains sex. A Holocaust movie, Sophie’s Choice, is referenced in the context of having to choose whom to include in the fallout shelter the boys are digging. There’s some silly bathroom humor, and David’s flat “tuchus” (behind) is mentioned several times while suit shopping. There’s some very mild budding romance between Kelli Ann and David. 

Talk it Over!

David and his friends watch The Day After, a scary made-for-TV movie about the aftermath of nuclear war. Details like people losing their teeth and hair and appearing as X-rayed skeletons are discussed. David’s class is reading 1984, and it’s mentioned that some parents are upset that the book contains sex. A Holocaust movie, Sophie’s Choice, is referenced in the context of having to choose whom to include in the fallout shelter the boys are digging. There’s some silly bathroom humor, and David’s flat “tuchus” (behind) is mentioned several times while suit shopping. There’s some very mild budding romance between Kelli Ann and David. 

More for You

Most Soviet Jews suffered from a lack of religious freedom and discrimination in education and job prospects, but it wasn’t until the American movement to free Soviet Jewry became powerful in the 1970s that activists were subject to exile and imprisonments. Refuseniks (those restricted from emigrating) such as Natan Sharansky, who spent nine years in prison, were the heroes of the movement. By the time the Iron Curtain fell, more than 10,000 Soviet Jews were emigrating from Russia each month, mostly to the US and Israel.