


PJOW Camps Celebrated Hanukkah in August!

PJOW Camps Celebrated Hanukkah in August!

Hanukkah in the summer!

How fun would it be to wake up at summer camp and find out you were celebrating Hanukkah?! Thanks to the PJ Our Way at Camp partnership, campers at URJ Crane Lake and Eisner Camps celebrated Hanukkah in August this year! To connect with the PJ Our Way book, Penina Levine is a Potato Pancake, campers found snow and wrapped Hanukkah presents on their tables in the Cheder Ochel (dining hall) and participated in fun activities that mirrored Penina’s adventures in the book including frying latkes, creating paper snowflakes, and playing dreidel. They also played pin the jelly on the donut, made chanukiyot to take home, and made snowflake thank you notes for Harold Grinspoon and the PJ Our Way team.

Celebrating Hanukkah in August was a great way to connect with both Penina Levine is a Potato Pancake and their Judaic studies focus on mitzvot!

For a fun Hanukkah activity, encourage your tween to make paper snowflakes and glue them to construction paper to make cards. They can be Hanukkah cards for your family, thank you cards for your child’s teachers, get well cards, or another creative choice of your tween’s! This is a great activity for your tween to do with younger siblings as well.


kid avatar
Dec 10, 2016 @ 10:19AM


Great idea!

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