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it has lots of info on gal Gadot and it's super short but that might just be because I read really fast.
LOVE THIS BOOK! It is super interesting! Gal gadot is such a interesting person! in the book, there is also really cool pictures! It is my top choice when I am bored! It is also so cool to see a jewish person like us do so many amazing things. She was in a lot of movies, was in the IDF, and even won MISS ISRAEL and COMPETED in the miss universe contest. PLEASE READ! I DEFINITELY RECOMMEND!
I love love Gal Gadot this book was a very accurate telling of her life so far! I 100% recommend this book for all ages!
This book was very good, I have to say I never knew lots of stuff about Gal Gadot, I only knew her as Wonder Woman, but now I know so much more!
Could have been longer, and in my opinion, it could have more information 😉 😊
in: Biography Nonfiction
in: Biography Graphic Novel
Gal Gadot: Soldier, Model, Wonder Woman
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