


Your PJ Our Way Books for November

Your PJ Our Way Books for November

Four great books for November!

Check out PJ Our Way’s choices for November! Visit the time of the Maccabees by spinning one magic dreidel or save the day from the Demon King by following another. Read a girl’s funny emails to her best friend in Kansas or find out what happens when a middle-schooler’s online popularity skyrockets. Whether you’re after adventure, fantasy, friendship, or even a pet hamster, you’re sure to find a great read in one of this month’s PJ Our Way selections.

A Dreidel in Time

A Dreidel in Time By Marcia Berneger

Ages 9+

82 pages

Devorah and Benjamin want to get the candle-lighting over with so they can open their presents, but Bubbe thinks they need to focus on the true meaning of Hanukkah. She gives them her special dreidel, which takes them back to the time of the Maccabees. Judah suspects that Devorah and Benjamin are spies, but the kids use their resourcefulness and courage to overcome his suspicion and help the Maccabees defeat Antiochus’s army.

The Golden Dreidel

The Golden Dreidel By Ellen Kushner

Ages: 9+

116 pages

The story begins as sulky eleven-year-old Sara celebrates “boring” Hanukkah with her family. It quickly morphs into a wild fantasy ride where she meets biblical-era kings and demons and saves the day using her wits and magic. This creative, clever, and amusing tale will enchant young readers with its fresh and whimsical illustrations and outrageous characters.

The Life and Opinions of Amy Finawitz

The Life and Opinions of Amy Finawitz By Laura Toffler-Corrie

Ages: 10+

337 pages

This fast-paced, contemporary book is written as a series of funny and sarcastic emails from eighth-grader Amy Finawitz to her best friend, Callie. Callie has left New York City to spend the year in Kansas and Amy keeps her updated on her life. Things get exciting when Amy begins researching the life of Jewish immigrant Anna Slonovich with the help of Miss Sophia (Amy's elderly neighbor), Beryl (Miss Sophia's Orthodox Jewish nephew), and John (Amy's school crush).

How to Survive Middle School

How to Survive Middle School By Donna Gephart

Ages: 10+

256 pages

David Greenberg’s big dream is to become a TV host like Jon Stewart, and he's well on his way: home videos that he has posted on YouTube featuring his cute hamster and acne-plagued older sister have become an internet sensation. But as his online popularity soars, his real life gets increasingly worse: he is picked on by the school bully; he fights with his best friend; and he misses his mom, who has left the family to resolve her own issues. How to Survive Middle School is a sweet coming-of-age book about friendship, family, and following one’s dreams.

What do you think of this month’s books? Comment below to let us know.


kid avatar
Nov 04, 2019 @ 8:53PM


I liked all titles for this month we chose the golden dreidel

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