


Nine-year-old Beniamino’s a stowaway on a ship headed to America! He has no family, no home, and no English – all he has are his wits and a shiny new pair of leather shoes. Will they be enough?
Ages 11+
Pages 256
Publisher Random House
Coming Mar 2025
American Library Association Notable Children's Book
Kirkus Starred Review
Sydney Taylor Silver Medal Winner

Average Rating

31 Reviews

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Amazing plot! Fascinating story!

Review by Rebecca

The book The King of Mulberry Street by Donna Jo Napoli was a very interesting book. The reason is, this book had an amazing plot and was a fascinating story about the 1890s and what children had to do just to survive living in America. I couldn't put it down, it was so interesting! What amazed me about this book was how a little boy was sent into America alone to survive! The boy's name was Beniamino before he left to America, but when he got there his name was Dom, changed by the people he met to protect him. Just to show how bad living was in America, Dom spent his first night in America sleeping in a barrel next to a dead dog. Luckily, he made friends along the way, but Dom has to face the decision whether he should go home to Napoli, or stay in America. This book taught me to be extremely thankful for what you have, because you never know how hard other people have it to get you there. It also taught me how many struggles Jews in the late 1800s had to face just to be Jewish. It was a great book!

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The King of Mulberry Street

Video review by Isaac

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The King of Mulberry Street

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Review by Mack10

It's a good book but I would think it would get boring if you were to read it more than twice.

Oct 14, 2022 03:03 PM
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Cool and realistic

Review by campgirlTLC

I felt I was there with the main character. It must have been terrifying to be alone and he figured out many ways to make it work. This really could have happened.

Jul 06, 2021 08:41 AM
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Review by Shellejb05

I liked it

Feb 05, 2021 06:41 PM
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Good way to learn about being a kid 100 years ago

Review by Wakawakaduwu

Lots of action and excitement.

Jan 04, 2021 08:27 PM
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Review by Taekwondo1

Overall, this book was pretty good. Tells the story of a young Italian boy who comes to America. Pretty reflective of the times and era, and has a good plot and ending. The only thing I have a issue with is that they say they Y word, and the Jewish kid does not even have a problem with his friends antisemitic remarks. Another thing is that when the kid has to pretend he is not Jewish and go to church, after he remarks that something his friend is saying is the truth, like what the gospels in church said. The rest of the story is great, but those two things left me wondering, I do hope that if you read this book that you understand this. Hope this helps.

Jul 07, 2020 09:48 PM