


24 October 2019 • News Feed
The Golden Dreidel by Aaron
The Golden Dreidel by Aaron
Check out this exciting story about a golden dreidel and a magical world.  Introducing The Golden Dreidel by Ellen Kushner!
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24 October 2019 • News Feed
Nathalie’s Easy Microwave Breakfast
Nathalie’s Easy Microwave Breakfast
Check out this easy, delicious breakfast recipe from Content Team Member Nathalie!
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01 October 2019 • News Feed
Sukkot: The History and Traditions by Xela, age 13
Sukkot: The History and Traditions by Xela, age 13
Beginning five days after Yom Kippur, Sukkot is a major Jewish festival that has both historical and agricultural significance. Historically, it commemorates the 40 years the Israelites wandered in the desert and lived in temporary shelters. The name ...
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01 October 2019 • News Feed
Tips for Selecting Your Next Book
Tips for Selecting Your Next Book
There are four great choices for PJ Our Way subscribers this month. If you’re not sure what to pick, take a look at the tips below.
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30 September 2019 • News Feed
Who Is Ralph Lauren by Lilah
Who Is Ralph Lauren by Lilah
Have you ever worn a polo shirt? Have you ever wondered how polo shirts got that name? Read Who Is Ralph Lauren? to find out the answer to this question!
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