


The PJ Our Way Advisory Committee Reviews The Prince of Steel Pier

The PJ Our Way Advisory Committee Reviews The Prince of Steel Pier

We gave members of the PJ Our Way Advisory Committee a sneak peek at one of this month’s choices – The Prince of Steel Pier by Stacy Nockowitz. Here’s what they had to say about it:

1. What was your favorite thing about this book?

Pie chart showing readers favorite things about the book The Prince of Steel Pier

2. Does this book remind you of any other books?

3. Anything else you want to add about The Prince of Steel Pier?

  • I found that the text was very intriguing and had great detail. I enjoyed the ending because of the action and that the main character kept kosher. I like the fact that they ran a Jewish hotel too. -Lior
  • I liked how the main character described his thoughts and made the book flow nicely which made the book more interesting. -Rafael
  • It was so funny when Beans found the money. And when he got money again he thought to hide the money in a better place. This was a funny and interesting book for all kids. - Emanuel
  • I think that the book was really good. I kept trying to snatch any time that I had to read it. Perhaps there could have been some more descriptive language, but all in all, it was lovely reading. -Eve

Interested in applying to join the Advisory Committee so you can review books for us? Send an email to!


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