


Author Judith Pransky Answers Questions from PJ Our Way Kids!

Author Judith Pransky Answers Questions from PJ Our Way Kids!

Judith Pransky, author of the Mister Lister series, answers kid-generated questions about Reuven, writing, and more.

Mister Lister and the Two-Way Gift book cover

How long did it take to write and type Mister Lister and the Two-Way Gift? – Leora, age 10

Hi Leora. It took more than a year to write Mister Lister and the Two-Way Gift. For me, writing and typing are the same thing because I do my work on a computer. I had to learn a great deal about Jews in Russia in the 1800s to write this book, so, besides writing the story, I spent many hours in a library doing research.

What inspired you to…
create a character that has a great memory for lists? – Aviv, age 10
write about a nervous and shy main character? – Hallie, age 9

Hi Aviv and Hallie. Both of you asked about the character of Reuven. I was a teacher for many years, and I have five children and many grandchildren, which means that I have known many different types of young people. As Rabbi Abrams tells Reuven, people are a package, made up of many parts. Some are like Tzvi—popular, athletic, smart—while others are like Reuven—always struggling to figure out how to fit in. But even people like Reuven have ways that they can shine, characteristics that I have noticed in different children. I wanted to highlight that in the story and show Reuven’s successes along with his struggles.

What advice would you give to a kid who finds themselves relating very closely to Reuven? – Rowan, age 10

Hi Rowan. I hope that readers will find advice embedded within the stories of the three Mister Lister books. Most importantly, Reuven knows that he wants to feel better about himself and make friends; and he is willing to keep trying to make that happen. In the first book, he begins to create a list of “Things That Went Right” so that he can focus on the positive in his life and build on it. When he realizes that people get annoyed when he acts a certain way, he tries to change. And in all the books, he is willing to talk to people who care about him and have suggestions for him, like his parents, an older student, teachers, and the school librarian.

Is any of Mister Lister and the Two-Way Gift based on real events or people? – Enzo, age 10

Hi Enzo. Yes, Mister Lister and the Two-Way Gift has connections to real people. Much of Reuven’s grandfather’s story about Russia in the 1800s is based on stories that my father told about my family’s history. I fictionalized parts of it, but it was definitely inspired by real events. The parts of the book about Reuven are all fictional, but certain details, like his grandfather wrapping him in his tallis, are memories from my own childhood.

What inspired you to start writing books? – Emmy, age 11
When did you start writing books? – Nili, age 10

Hi Emmy and Nili. I really don’t remember what inspired me to start writing and when I started. It just seems like I always had stories to tell, from the time I learned how to write. But that does not mean that my stories were published. I wrote articles that were printed in newspapers; I edited a guidebook to Philadelphia; and I worked as a textbook editor; but none of my stories were published as books until about six years ago. That’s when the novel, The Seventh Handmaiden, and the Mister Lister books were finally accepted by publishers. It took a long time for it to happen, but it was worth the wait.

What was your favorite book as a kid? – Phoebe, age 10

Hi Phoebe. The first book I remember as a favorite is Little Women, by Louisa May Alcott. I’m so glad it’s still popular and has been made into movies and plays. Most of my other favorites are historical fiction novels. When I taught history, I always assigned historical fiction stories along with text book chapters because they really transport readers into different time periods.

What’s your favorite drink? – Rowan, age 10

Hi Rowan. I like iced tea, flavored coffee and strawberry milkshakes. How about you?

Which is your favorite Mister Lister book and why? – Mayana, age 10
Do you have more books planned for this series? – Rowan, age 10

Hi Mayana and Rowan. I think that my favorite Mister Lister book is the one I am working on at that time. When I write, I get very caught up in my stories and their characters. I think about them all the time and feel happy and sad along with them. When I finish writing a story, it feels like a good friend has moved away. I have a few ideas for a fourth Mister Lister book and I hope to start writing it soon.

What advice would you give to someone who is interested in writing Jewish fiction? – Mayana, age 10

If you are interested in writing Jewish fiction, I encourage you to do it. There are many people interested in reading it and companies interested in publishing it. But make sure you know and understand what you are writing about. There are many types of Jews and many Jewish lifestyles, and there is a wealth of Jewish history. If you need information, talk to librarians, teachers, rabbis, family and friends. Being a good author is not just telling an interesting story, but being able to tell a story that is accurate and truthful.

Big thanks to Judith Pransky and all the kids who contributed questions for this interview! Check out Mister Lister and the Two-Way Gift or one of Judith’s other books available from PJ Our Way.

Have you read one of Judith Pranksy’s books? What questions would you ask this author? Let us know in the comments!


kid avatar
Mar 17, 2024 @ 12:41PM


Yes, I have read one of Judith pransky books. It was The seventh handmaiden. I loved that book very much! I really recommend this book.

kid avatar
Sep 27, 2024 @ 10:51AM


I never read the 7th handmaiden, but it sounds like you enjoyed that very much 34883285! 😁

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