Acts of Kindness with The Kindness Club: Chloe on the Bright Side
Treating others with kindness (gemilut chasadim) is an important Jewish value, and it is also what The Kindness Club: Chloe on the Bright Side is all about.
Treating others with kindness (gemilut chasadim) is an important Jewish value, and it is also what The Kindness Club: Chloe on the Bright Side is all about. Chloe Silver may be new to the 5th grade, but right away she connects with her science partners Lucy and Theo. They decide to focus their class project on the effects of kindness by starting a club that performs acts of chesed (kindness) around their school and community. And when Chloe is invited to join the popular kids, she learns meaningful lessons about what it means to be truly kind, even when it is not so easy.
Check out this video by Courtney Sheinmel, author of The Kindness Club: Chloe on the Bright Side.
There are many ways you can spread kindness in your community!
Sharing what you have with others in need is a powerful act of kindness. A gemach, or community sharing and recycling program, is a great way to start! Gemachs began as a way for Jewish people to loan money to one another, but now there are gemachs for almost anything, including sports equipment; b’nai mitzvah outfits; and even toys, books, and puzzles. Many communities have Little Free Libraries on street corners, where you can leave books you have finished reading and select new ones.
If you would like to start your own gemach, all you need is an idea and a place where people can exchange items. Talk with your friends: What do they have to share, and what do they need? Your parents or teachers can help you find a good space. Decorate some signs and spread the word. Soon enough, you will have created a corner of kindness in your community!
Spread messages of kindness, inspiration, and inclusion with kindness rocks! Find small rocks outside, clean them, and use paint pens or permanent markers to write positive messages on them. Place the rocks around your neighborhood to spread kindness to those around you.
Write inspirational messages, draw pictures, or draw a game on your sidewalk to spread kindness and cheer to your neighbors.
Simple acts of helping others will also spread kindness. Pick up trash in your neighborhood, help your parent with chores, or donate toys or clothes that you no longer use. Small acts of kindness like these go a long way to help others!
Comment below to share how you spread kindness in your community.
sounds like a good book
Thank you! That was really sweet! Way to go!!
Totally it is an awsome book 📖
love the book! you should get it!
Cool video!
I am definitely going to do that!
Really cool! <3 :)
My mom and I like to watch the sunrise. It’s not always easy waking up that early, but it is breathtaking. Sadly, we have seen a lot of litter along our beach (and really everywhere you look). So, now we take gloves and a bag on our morning strolls. It’s a small part of a big world, but it feels good to make a difference. We also donate clothes, toys, and our hair!
The Kindness Club Cloe on the bright side is a great book that shows that kindness is a good thing to do
I love the photos
"Be kind to them even if they aren't kind to you!"
i agree
So cool! I love the rock idea!😁😁😁
Thank you for the cool ideas for being kind! Going to try them all!! Cool video! 😎
Thank you for that message Courtney
Love this.
i like that that is a good idea my sister read the book
Oh so sweeet
Kindness is important.
Woo woo woo! Go Chloe!!
I think that being kind in times like this would be a good idea! thanks!