


New School…New Friends!

New School…New Friends!

Have you ever switched to a new school?

Hi my name is Shana and I am 10-years-old. I am going to a new school. I am going into 5th grade. I am going to an all-girls school. I am a little nervous because I don’t know a lot people there. I will miss my other friends and I hope I will make new ones.
I have a humongous school supply list. My mother bought me a back pack that has wheels so it will be much easier to carry all of my stuff. I am very excited to get the backpack with wheels because I have wanted one since I was about five. I am also getting my very first locker. At my old school we had cubbies.
This is a big change for me. I am moving from 60 kids to about 140 kids and I am going on the bus which I have never done before. Another change for me is the uniforms. My uniforms are way different than at my old school. I have to wear long skirts that cover the knee and a polo shirt and knee socks. I hope that there will be computer programing at my new school because I love to computer program. I hope that I will have a great year!

Did you ever go to a new school? I am a little nervous and I am a little excited.

What is new for you going back to school?


kid avatar
Mar 07, 2023 @ 8:40PM


good luck!

kid avatar
Feb 05, 2020 @ 6:04PM


hope you have fun at your new school -Luv2readTO

kid avatar
Apr 09, 2017 @ 10:32AM


Sup Shana! I am so impressed by your attitude of going to a new school! If I had to move, (which I probely will,) I would not be as confident as u. U are an inspiration to all, including me! Great luck for the rest of your school year!

kid avatar
Jan 25, 2017 @ 9:35AM


Have a good year! I like to computer program too!

kid avatar
Jan 02, 2017 @ 5:49PM


Hi, I'm new! I'm just as different as you are. Good Luck! Make sure to make lots of friends and when you make a knew one still be friends with your old friends and be friends with both of them. If your a little different remind yourself its A okay.

kid avatar
Dec 05, 2016 @ 5:54PM


Me too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

kid avatar
Dec 04, 2016 @ 5:20PM


Shana- I hope you have a good year. I really like horses too!

kid avatar
Nov 04, 2016 @ 3:59PM


GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Is it a religious school???????? Where?? If it is religious school what type is it?? Jewish Orthodox? Chabad?

kid avatar
Oct 27, 2016 @ 8:21PM


Good luck

kid avatar
Sep 20, 2016 @ 5:39PM


Cool! I'm also 10, going into 5th grade. I've been in this school for all my life besides preschool. Then for kindergarten I moved to this school. This school is about an hour away from my house. So, there aren't any big changes this year for me.

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