Presenting the 2014-15 PJ Our Way National Design Team!
Read more about the 2014-15 PJ Our Way National Design Team!
Jacob, 9, MD
I play cello, baseball and do karate and I dressed up as "Google Maps" for Halloween!
Annabel, 9, IL
I've always loved being on stage: acting, singing, dancing, and even just standing up there and talking or giving a speech (like a book report)! I'm really excited to be on the Design Team because I've always loved writing, especially making up stories and writing plays for my brothers and me to perform. I also hope being on the Design Team will help me explore more about the world of Judaism.
Hadas, 9, WA
When I read a book, I like to imagine how the characters look and feel, and what they think.
Rebecca, 11, FL
I LOVE to dance, play basketball, and rock climb. I love spending time with my family and friends but my second home is at Camp Ramah, my Jewish sleep away camp. I like to read books with a Jewish theme.
Max, 10, MO
I enjoy reading and playing video games with my friends. I go to a Jewish community school. I'm on the flag football team and the equations team. I also do Taekwondo, play volleyball, and I am active in Boy Scouts. I am so excited to be part of the PJOW Design Team.
Robert, 11, CA
I am excited to learn! I love to create and pursue new and fun ideas that come into my mind.
Lucy, 10, MA
I love books with cliff hangers and excitement!
Hannah, 10, OH
I love science experiments that call for chocolate.
David, 9, NY
I enjoy reading and writing!
Claire, 11, MI
I love to sing and be with my cousins.
I'm this year's teen leader of the PJ Our Way Design Team. I love to read and write, and I've self-published three books. I love writing because it allows me to be creative and capture interesting stories that I think of, or hear about, or actually experienced.
i know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Right?
Oh, and I am on the design team!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You have to fill out a survey and next June they will be choosing new design team members.-Annabel;)
I love, love, love, love, love, love, love being on the design team!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It is neat to see other 9-year-olds on the design team! :)
the 2014-15 design team has been chosen, but you can still create content for pjourway. just let us know you're interested at info@pjourway.org and we'll be in touch!
how did you get to be on the design team and how can I get in and when is there going to be another new design team no offence though. ;-)
what a great team! Can't wait to see what they do
hello im aricat and im here to tell you that you are correct!!! ps im not a girl
I am super. super exited to be on the design team!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm on the design team!
this sounds really cool