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for when you need a smile on your face

Review by bookworm_right_here

This book isn't realistic in the least bit. That's what makes it good. It's short and sweet, but definitely one to re-read. Mirka is destined to make you laugh. You can imagine my joy when I saw the sequel. If you liked this, look out for Hereveille; How Mirka got her Sword

Nov 29, 2015 06:35 PM
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Great Book

Review by pseudonymous

This book is funny in exciting. As Mirka learns to live with a copy of herself it makes you wonder what living with a copy of you would be like. Overall a fantastic book.

Aug 05, 2015 10:18 PM
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it was a good book

Review by soccerreader

What I really liked about this book was that it wasn't like one of those books that are too long or too short, it was a nice sized book. I also like that it was a graphic novel,so when you have to stop reading the book, you're not really missing such a big part.

Jul 19, 2015 04:48 PM
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I loved it!

Review by estherl

I love Hereville. It was so fun to read. I liked that it was a comic. Mirka is a very good character. She likes to sword fight just like me. I like that they made her have a step mother. I think that is unique in a way. One of the coolest parts is the meteorite. It makes the story more interesting. I also like that they added a witch. When I read that part I was excited to see what was next. The thing I like the most is the part where Mirka goes into space. It would be cool if Mirka stayed in space a little longer.

Jul 09, 2015 06:57 PM
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The book is an awesome story!

Review by MayaIrene

Mirka and Metty each have a place in their own family, but Metty does not belong on Earth. I like that Mirka knits so many berets, and in the end her beret saves her from dying in outer space.

Jul 08, 2015 04:23 PM