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GREAT BOOK !!!!!!!!

Review by Mack72


Dec 01, 2020 07:35 PM
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Loved it!

Review by OT123

I really really liked this book. I really love fantasy, so it was the perfect pick. This book is really fun, interesting, and full of adventure. I agree that it is a hard to understand at first, but it gets better at the end. I think that if you like this book, you should try out the other books in the series. I also think that this book would be perfect for kids that like fantasy, and I recommend you all to read it.

Nov 18, 2020 07:08 PM
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The Sasquatch Escape

Review by TCPme

I think this book is practically epic. It is silly, fun, adventurous & mythical. (Booie32, you can but I think you have to press yes).

Nov 06, 2020 08:00 PM
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Can I switch my book

Review by Booie32

Haven't read, I forgot to read the description.

Nov 05, 2020 03:17 PM
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Sasquatch Escape

Review by whereismysupasuit

I really liked this book because it has mythical creatures and it is very well written.

Nov 05, 2020 09:54 AM