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The book of secrets

Review by Nanala

Good book but it was short

Oct 09, 2023 01:16 PM
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Graphic Novel

Review by ERB210

I didnt love it, because I dont like graphic novels, I wish I had known prior to selecting it.

Oct 08, 2023 06:14 PM
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The Book of Secrets

Review by AriPJL

I liked this book because it had a lot of interesting stories in it. The kids were protecting the book from the dark spirit and they had lots of adventures while they doing so.

Oct 08, 2023 05:45 PM
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really fun

Review by ChanaPJL

It's a really cute book because it has the two kids who wanna keep reading just like us.

Oct 08, 2023 05:18 PM
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Review by SeattleLion

i liked it

Oct 08, 2023 05:18 PM