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Review by Sirin

Apr 05, 2020 09:52 AM
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Review by Happypenguin

I would say that not very many PJ library books I get are really good, but I really enjoyed this one. I stayed up too late reading it!

Apr 02, 2020 09:54 PM
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Review by hebrewwhiz

This book is amazing! I could not put it down!

Apr 02, 2020 07:44 PM
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Review by hebrewwhiz

This book is amazing! I could not put it down!

Apr 02, 2020 07:44 PM
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Review by MBS2007

When the four choices for this month came up, I didn't really want to do this book, I thought it would be boring. You know a genius finding an equation? Meh. But my mother told me to get it. She told me she thought I would really like the book. I got the book. And when it arrived, it just happened I was starting a book report at school that week. I didn't really have a book, so I just took out this book from on the shelf and said Fine. If this book is a bummer, I will just ditch it and get another. But once I started it, I could not stop reading. If you know me, you know that once I get into a book, there is no stopping. I am immediately separated from the real world, transferred into the book. I don't hear what is going on around me, even if there is music blasting! Overall, what I am saying that this book is just AMAZING and I hope you will all like this book as much as I did.

Apr 02, 2020 07:23 PM