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Searching or Lottie

Review by BingoMan11

This was a book about a girl who has a history project. For the project, Charlotte chooses to write about her great aunt Lotte. During the Holocaust, Lotte disappeared and no one ever knew what happened to her. Charlotte tries to figure out a lot of things about the past. I liked this book because the topic was interesting.

Apr 22, 2020 05:54 PM
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I loved it!

Review by ThePeanutHorse

Charlie is doing a report on a family member, but she also wants to find out what really happened to her? Will Charlie succeed and find Lottie?

Apr 03, 2020 06:37 PM
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A Very Interesting and Fun Tale

Review by TacoBagel

This book was really good. Charlie was doing a report about a family member and she chose to write about Lottie. But Lottie had a mysterious past. She was in the holocaust and her only living family member was her sister, Rose. Rose is Charlie's grandmother now. When Charlie discovers more clues about getting closer to find information about Lottie, they discover a surprising secret.

Apr 02, 2020 09:03 PM
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Review by ECSlibrarygirl

It felt like a mystery to find out more about her long lost aunt, she would find out one thing and it would make her mind completely change. This talks a lot about family and the importance of "knowing your family". It was probably very hard for Charlie and the rest of her family to have someone close to them who could be lost at sea, or maybe even having a wonderful life, but they never new.

Apr 02, 2020 01:20 PM
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i really liked this book

Review by Luv2readTO

Apr 01, 2020 08:30 PM