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Review by FlyingFish8

This book was super funny and turned important messages and Jewish related history into fun! I honestly didn't much attention to Jewish history until I read this book! It's very silly book and appropriate for all ages. It's a little short so if you like long books this may not be the best choice. Although, it's a good book to read while traveling, to recommend, and when you're bored. All in all, this book will really cheer you up and give you lots of laughs!

Jul 03, 2019 05:52 PM
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Review by Danimara

Jul 03, 2019 04:08 PM
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Love this book. So funny

Review by sladulya

Jul 01, 2019 10:34 PM
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Cool!! Big fan of it.

Review by writer33

This book was pretty good. It was funny!

Jul 01, 2019 08:22 AM
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Review by NationalDesignTeam

Chelm for the Holidays is a collection of short stories that take place in the village of Chelm. Some people say that when the angel distributing souls, he dropped a bag of foolish souls in Chelm! These stories go through the different Jewish festivals but with a silly Chelm twist. For example, they completely run out oil on the eighth day of Chanukah so they try digging for oil, or taking oil from the street lamps, but it's not enough. Until finally they get some oily latkes and put them in the town menorah and light the latkes! I think the book was funny but also short, so it may be better for a younger reader. - Sheina Brocha, National Design Team

Jul 01, 2019 08:21 AM