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breath taking

Review by mytoothless

It was weird that she wrote letters to her dog. But nice that the dog was acknowledging what she was trying to say.was great recommend it to all.

Aug 02, 2019 05:41 PM
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it was pretty good

Review by Unicornsrawesome

it was a good book but it was too short

Aug 01, 2019 09:41 PM
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WOW! Amazing!

Review by karinibeanie

I'm usually very picky with the books I like and often have a hard time getting through books, but I loved this book! I liked the letter format of the book, instead of a normal novel. It made it easier to read. I would recommend this book who really care abut friendship.

Aug 01, 2019 09:35 PM
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Review by Jiraffe2009

I give this book a thumbs up because it makes me remember about my old dog boo boo who isn't with me any more.

Jul 14, 2019 03:46 PM
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Review by panda2009

Jul 09, 2019 07:19 PM