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Review by FreeTime

Mar 04, 2019 05:52 PM
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This book was weird

Review by ChickenWhisperer

This book was too weird for me. It was too creepy. Not my favorite book. Plus, it didn't have a lot of Jewish content in it.

Mar 04, 2019 03:43 PM
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Loved it so much!

Review by GlitterBow

This book is awesome. It’s really given me an amazing experience. I feel like people of all ages will enjoy this book. I personally do love this author.

Mar 04, 2019 02:21 PM
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Misleading Title

Review by lolay

When I first saw this book I thought it was one of those books you see at the library which are thicker than if you put both your wrists together. only after receiving this book did I notice in the description ''384 pages'' I love VERY long books but this book was about as long as most middle-school books. After reading this book I was not only disappointed about the length, but I was SO bored with this book before finishing chapter one! But I forced my self to finish this book after reading it I was no more impressed than when I started, nothing about this book grasped my attention. About the title, usually, a title like this is very Very VERY long.

Mar 03, 2019 09:07 PM
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SO SO SO SO SO SO SO AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Review by SMS

I LOVED THIS BOOK!! I would recommend this book to anyone! Its such an amazing book and I would LOVE to read the Grimm series. Its all about 3 kids named Jeanne, William, Jacob and Jeanne's dog Gwenforte . There trying to save all the Jewish books but the king (of France) wants to burn them. So they have a war.

Mar 02, 2019 12:38 PM