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It did not make me interested at all

Review by CoopL

It was not something to look forward to in my opinion but it was not something to scowl at.

Jul 03, 2022 08:38 PM
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Not the Best...

Review by gingerspice

I didn't love this book because I felt like it dealt with thinks above my age level. I did like how it was a choose your own adventure book, though!

Jul 03, 2022 02:31 PM
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Not the best.

Review by ellahg

Definitely not my favorite. It's okay.

Jul 01, 2022 06:03 PM
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Yael and the party of the year.

Review by danielleparr

It was Ok you have to read it several times though because the plot and the way it separates between the this or that questions don't really make much sense and it's mostly about to be with this guy or this guy like Surfergirl123 said. And I don't think she is a brat I just think that doesn't know how to speak up for herself, and when she does nobody listens or understands. But overall pretty good book!

Jun 10, 2022 02:57 PM
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Review by eaglet284

It was good but the characters no bueno

Jun 09, 2022 01:56 AM