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This book was fun because you could choose your own story, but it was pretty short. So, I kept reading it over and over again which was not that bad because the story changes every time.❤️

Review by puppy4

It also was very dramatic so if you like dramatic books this is for you. It is a book that you definitely should read more than once because you will get a different outcome each time. The only thing I would change is that I would make it longer. 👻

Jun 23, 2019 08:52 AM
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Yael's Day

Review by Zeus2010

Jun 14, 2019 06:58 AM
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Great book!

Review by puppy9

This book is so fun to read over and over and you never get tired of it. I love this book and really recommend it.

Jun 10, 2019 11:44 AM
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Review by Swiftiedancer

This is my favorite PJ book ever!!! It was hysterical I read it differently each time!!!! 😍😍😍😍😍

Jun 09, 2019 09:48 AM
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Great book

Review by Cartwheels1

I like how you get to choose what happens next 🐠

Jun 08, 2019 01:39 PM