I'm not really sure but the one I made was bad
This book was good because I got to choose what happened.
So this book was actually pretty good, but I didn't like the character or attitude of the main character, Yael. So that's pretty much it. Also the choices I would have made are way different than the choices she would have made. Like: I love hotel parties with dancing and fancy stuff. I would not have enjoyed an amusement park, et cetera. But I guess that's just because I have a different personality! Other than that, I guess it's ok, but I would say the quality of the wringing is not the best. But it's ok! If this is your kind of book, just go for it! :)
I love that you get to pick what happens next. And you can read it more than 1 time, and get a new story. Great book!!!
It is so good, I will rate it 5 Stars! I love everything about the book, especially the choose your path. I like the main character Yael because she is nice and has worries about her bat mitzvah. If you liked this book, I recommend reading the next book about Yael's best friend Tara, in a book called "Tara takes the stage".