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Review by AMA000

This book was so good I couldn’t stop reading

Jul 03, 2024 05:06 PM
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mort ziff aint no dead

Review by ERGirl2014

this book was awsome ! i recomend this as a 5 star rating for a reason.i love how the sisters and brothers get along at the end.i also like how they help mort.i really wish they had a series.i wish there were more books like this:[

Jul 01, 2024 11:26 PM
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Mort Ziff is not dead

Review by HKich

It was fun reading

Jun 04, 2024 10:18 PM
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the book was my first

Review by MarylandMud

my first book is the best book my first is mort ziff is not dead highly recommended by me

May 06, 2024 09:39 PM
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Great book

Review by Hanimal

I liked this book they should make more books just like this one.

May 02, 2024 09:48 PM