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fun and relatable book

Review by TheFool

This is a really good book! It is really funny, and enjoyable. Most of all, i can really relate to it. I moved from England to America 4 years ago, and I switched schools last year. All that is in there is true. It is not like other diary books in the sense that a kid is moping about not being popular for 100 pages. Nor is it all boring and bland. It is really realistic and also can be inspiring if you are stuck in similar situations like I am. My one minor criticism is that it makes it seem like middle school and high school are as hard as each other. In reality, middle school is worse because you are trying to figure out who you are and what is happening to you, on top of homework and changes to your body. Other than that, it is extraordinarily accurate and you should really read it (ps. the pyramid diagram is really accurate)

Sep 02, 2018 05:44 PM
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Amazing 👍

Review by Bookster

I loved this book I liked how it looked like a notebook and someone’s handwriting 📓✏️

Sep 02, 2018 01:36 PM
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Awesome Book!

Review by NinjaSnake

This was the best book ever!

Aug 29, 2018 06:12 PM
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Review by EllaBear

It was a great book. My favorite part was when Amelia makes her own yearbook for Carly.

Aug 29, 2018 08:39 AM
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fun to read

Review by PallasAthena

i liked it because it showed that even if you don't see your friend as much as you used to you still will always be friends

Aug 19, 2018 09:14 AM