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This book was pretty good, but not the best

Review by AlienInvasion

This book was pretty good. It was too short, though, and some of the stories weren’t so good. However, overall it’s a good book. If you like the rabbi Harvey books, then you might like this book, although one of the stories from this book is almost the same as a story from rabbi Harvey. If you’re thinking “I like rabbi Harvey, so I’ll get this book” you might be abut disappointed. This book was good, I guess, but I’ve read better.

Oct 05, 2018 07:54 PM
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Short and sweet!

Review by momofaande

I loved all the stories in this book, because they made you think. I would've liked more stories, though...

Oct 05, 2018 05:45 PM
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Review by Jellybeenz

Not as good as Rabbi Harvey (which is what it is based off),but was ok.

Oct 05, 2018 01:22 PM
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it was ok

Review by booklover100

I liked it, but it was really short.

Oct 04, 2018 05:57 PM
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funny - I love it!

Review by rainbowkeshet

Funniest book I've ever read! Good book, i would read it again. Hershel is funny but a trickster. It was too short, I wish they had more stories about him!

Oct 03, 2018 10:53 PM