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really great

Review by PokieBoy

I really liked this book it's about a girl with ADHD and she thinks her life is ruined when she has to go to summer school but it turned out to be the best summer ever.

Aug 04, 2018 10:06 PM
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Review by doggiefriend

This book makes you feel empathetic for 12 year old Abby. Learn what it feels like to have ADHD, and have the worst teacher for English. On top of all of that, Abby has to spend her summer at summer school.

Aug 04, 2018 10:45 AM
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I love it!

Review by Bonelesschicken

I loved this book so much! the only thing I didn't like was that the mom does weight watchers. you are perfect just the way you are even if you are "super fat" or if you are super skinny!!! never do weight watchers!!! but again this was a lovely book!!

Aug 03, 2018 12:49 PM
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G R E A T !

Review by morielle

This book made me learn more about friendship and ADHD. This book is highly recommended!

Aug 03, 2018 09:24 AM
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Review by georgiavz

This book is amazing and funny.

Aug 01, 2018 09:37 PM