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Lucky Broken Girl-recommended to you!!!!!

Review by gymnastgirl07

I have not actually finished this book yet- I'm in part II. But despite that, I would recommend to anyone who likes a realistic story, but who can also handle a little drama and scariness. I like this book because I can relate to multiple characters, especially the main character, Ruthie. She is just a Jewish-Cuban-American girl, and she aspires to be like the other girls in her grade, who will become her classmates, as she's being promoted to the regular 5th grade class (which she was not previously in, due to her lack of English). But then she is in a car accident with her entire family and miraculously, suffers only a broken leg, although to make sure that both lags remain even, the doctors put her in a body cast for 6 months at minimum. I can't wait to finish this book, and I may review again after I complete it.

Mar 19, 2018 06:57 PM
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Review by DDReader

Mar 18, 2018 08:14 PM
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Lucky Broken Girl is Awesome!

Review by SpiceQueen

This book was amazing and so interesting. You really feel like you are experiencing life from Ruthie’s point of view and what it felt like to be bedridden. I would definitely recommend this book for kids and also for grown ups. You learn a lot about Being a Jewish kid in Cuba and what it feels like to move to a new country.

Feb 10, 2018 11:41 PM
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Review by monkeylove

Amazing! My mom and I recommended this book to PJourway, so it is really cool to see they liked.

Feb 09, 2018 06:52 PM
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How Ruth Changed the World, and Never Got Out of Bed!

Review by tamakwagirl

Ruth Behar, Hop scotch queen of queens's dreadful story teaches you that don't have to stand up to make your mark on the world. Ruth teaches us that all you need in life is kind family, kind friends , and most of all a kind heart. I would recommend this book to anyone and everyone. SO GOOD!!

Feb 07, 2018 05:01 PM