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Excellent story about a girl in a body cast

Review by birdgirl1

This is a book about a girl who moved from Cuba to New York City. She has a very close friend that moves back to India. One day she gets hurt and has to be in a body cast. She only day dreams about being able to run and jump. But for now, it's her and the ceiling every day, all day. This is a book to read if you like sad books. I definitely recommend this book!

Jun 19, 2018 10:36 PM
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This is the best book in the whole world

Review by gymnast09

I loved this book it was very interesting and it was just an amazing book.

Jun 13, 2018 07:06 PM
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Review by beautybook7

I am Mexican so I understood most of the words in this book. And it made me think that some people in the world have bigger problems than you!

Jun 10, 2018 02:00 PM
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Amazing Book!

Review by MysticGalaxy250

Lucky Broken Girl is an awesome novel and I recommend you read this book! It is about a girl named Ruth and her life when she broke her leg in a car accident! She gets put in a body cast and is unable to move or walk. Will she ever really recover??? Read the book to find out what happens...

Jun 10, 2018 11:17 AM
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The Best Book Ever!!

Review by JungleGirl

This book was a really good book because it shows how bravery and friendship can go a long way!

Jun 10, 2018 09:42 AM