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if you have any sense of humor you will READ THIS NOW

Review by MeowPrrr

the hole thing is AWWESOME especially the part with the latke to the face whats your favorite part?

Mar 09, 2018 09:52 PM
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Review by LittleRedFeather

This book teaches a good lesson about not ignoring friends especially good ones.

Mar 05, 2018 11:41 PM
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Funny and good plot

Review by epicpenguin

This book was very funny and I liked the plot alot. I enjoyed it alot.

Mar 04, 2018 03:29 PM
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Didn't make sense and was super boring

Review by readerwithbraces

I didn't really like this book. It didn't make a lot of sense and was not very interesting to me. Maybe you will read and will like it but I didn't.

Mar 01, 2018 09:15 PM
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Realistic & Great

Review by Foxes

This is really interesting. It's relatively realistic and just plain fun to read.

Feb 07, 2018 06:34 PM