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Mirka wanted to fight trolls but as a girl no one let her.

Review by PRFphilly

Really good, couldn't stop reading!

Aug 09, 2017 08:18 PM
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i love the first book and the second

Review by benlovesbones2

i really liked this book until my dad said comic books aren't real "books" and he flung it across the room.

Aug 09, 2017 09:16 AM
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love this so much!

Review by OldMomCT

funny, weird, and fascinating, this was AWESOME!!!!!!!!

Aug 07, 2017 06:23 PM
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like, the best book I ever read!!!!!!!!!

Review by alicepetunia

I think you should read this book!

Jul 10, 2017 05:58 PM
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Review by Skye

Jul 02, 2017 05:31 PM