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Awesome! 😉

Review by PinkFluffyUnicorn

This book was so funny and it's almost like an actual notebook! Katie tells us about her life in a very funny way!

Aug 05, 2017 02:42 AM
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Best Book Ever

Review by MGD2008

This book is awesome! Wow is it good! I doesn't have chapters, it has dates instead. I think you should read this book because it is awesome!!

Aug 04, 2017 10:15 PM
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Good Book

Review by EDanceGirl

This book is really funny. And it's from the point of view of a a girl who is going through a lot of different everyday challenges.

Aug 03, 2017 04:33 PM
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Book about someone life's journey...

Review by jkrivor

This book only talks about a girl's life journal. I would more recommend this reading for girls.

Aug 02, 2017 10:53 PM
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One more thing....

Review by LLAP

This is really lacking of detail.

Aug 02, 2017 10:38 PM