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Good Book

Review by reader2468

I think this book is really good. If you are ever going through something similar then go to this book for advice!!!!! [ just don't run away on a train ]

Nov 04, 2017 03:07 PM
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I loved

Review by brofe

I think this book had a good story line. I would encourage you to get it.

Oct 08, 2017 12:41 PM
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This book was really neat!

Review by J39SDPadres

This book was written in a very unique style. It was like you are Katie Roberts writing in her journal 📕 while you are actually experiencing what her feelings are about moving to Texas. I will recommend this book to anyone.

Aug 10, 2017 07:37 PM
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Review by wolflover

This book was really good! It made me think about my family. I would recommend this book and the sequel! I hope you get this book! If you don't, then you should get it from the library.

Aug 01, 2017 11:40 PM
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Read this book TODAY!!!!

Review by actamb

An 11 year old girl moves far away from her home to live with her new father. Life just isn't the same until that very faithful day when Katie Roberts go to New York to live with her old neighbor without her mother knowing. This is a very funny book for girls because this girl has a wild imagination. So do me (and Katie Roberts) a favor in getting this book today.... i'm out!

Apr 10, 2017 08:34 PM