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keep standing

Review by cscher942

smart guy

Jan 07, 2018 05:06 PM
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Review by ImaBookworm

Jan 05, 2018 10:29 PM
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Review by FlyingFish8

it was OK. The storys taght me lessons but it had some storys that were not as good as others. but most of them are awesome.

Jan 05, 2018 07:32 PM
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standing on one foot? / and puzzles?

Review by lightandjoy

such a interesting book! amazing how the Author can come up with answers to these puzzles! a great book with great puzzles some are funny some caused me to have to read the chapter again it had me puzzled! the poll for this book is you have to see how long you can stand on one foot, well we did the poll but we used it to see which leg we used the most. here is how, we timed how long we could stand on one leg and then the other after writing out the time, the one leg you stood on for the longest is the leg you use the most! then we found something on how to find out what eye you use the most, you make a big shaped C (with one hand) or you can make a big triangle (with both hands) have some one sit or stand close one eye or have someone cover one eye, and look through the triangle or C at the person do not move your hands and make sure that the person you will be looking at does not move, if the person stays centered then the eye you where using to look through the triangle or C is the eye that you use mostly, if the person moves to the side or you can not see the person any more through the triangle or C then that would be the eye that you do not use as much.

Jan 03, 2018 11:31 AM
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Great book!

Review by Hermoine

My whole family and I took turns reading the tales and trying to figure them out before reading the answers. They made me think, but I enjoyed it!

Jan 02, 2018 07:30 PM