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Pretty good!

Review by Reader22

Technically a three and a half star review. Some fun ideas and great dialogue made this book worth reading. Sometimes the main character was a little whiny and ridiculous. Okay book, worth reading.

Jul 03, 2018 03:20 PM
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it was interesting

Review by cocoluc16

read it

Jul 02, 2018 08:13 PM
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Great Read!

Review by readyforreading

I liked this book because it really gave a peek inside the life of a teen, and though the main characters choices may not have been the best ones, she learns a lot and comes around when her friends need her the most.

Jun 01, 2018 11:09 AM
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Really interesting!

Review by 1300107227

This book shows a lot of great examples of teamwork and I would read another book by this author!

Apr 05, 2018 07:44 PM
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I realy enjoyed reading this book!

Review by rontaycant

When I started to read I kind of a little bored and I was on my phone too much. So we had alot alike. But I learned the lesson to not worry about what other people like about you so much and trust your friends.

Apr 04, 2018 08:53 PM