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Cool book

Review by Readinggirl18

I loved this book it is realistic and I can see it happening to someone

Sep 09, 2019 09:46 PM
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NOT what I was expecting

Review by DramaKid

Really, Karma? This book makes you think that to be well liked you need to have a phone. All this taught kids was that you need to have a phone or else you will be doomed for life. This book is like, “kids spend way too much time on their cell phones. Let’s encourage it!” I was excepting a fun and likeable story with kids that didn’t sit around complaining about snappypic accounts or consequences.

Sep 09, 2019 04:45 PM
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Couldn't put down!

Review by TheZqueen4real

I got this book and thought that I wouldn't like it. But then I couldn't put it down! this book is sooooo good!!

Sep 08, 2019 08:18 PM
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i loved it amazing!!!!!!!!!!

Review by Princess1234

you should bother reading it

Sep 08, 2019 11:09 AM
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Review by Ilovetv

This book was so awesome it taught me more about how to understand people. even though the main character had a change in her life she was brave and did what she could.

Sep 08, 2019 12:26 AM