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This book was amazing

Review by Luv2read0608

This book is awesome for older people who have phones

May 06, 2020 09:11 PM
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This book was good.

Review by 28purple

This book was really good but they had way too many stories in one chapter that I didn’t know what was going on. But I do recommend this book if you like a lot of plot twists. But it did make me think more about being together and not making anyone mad or sad.

May 05, 2020 05:41 PM
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Pretty good

Review by BookHuman1

This book was good, but it didn't have much stuff about Judaism in it.

May 04, 2020 06:17 PM
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Review by eyd2009

this book is about a girl that is SERIOUSLY ATTACHED to her phone. During the book, she realizes that there is more to life then a screen. It taught me a giant lesson🤩

May 04, 2020 03:57 PM
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Review by rjewishbooks

Apr 06, 2020 08:46 PM