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Really good book

Review by snude2017

I thought this book was really insightful. Great!

Jul 08, 2020 06:53 PM
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the quien of likes

Review by Lakeslancers

took me very long to finished it

Jul 06, 2020 04:38 PM
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this was an interesting book

Review by tv88

i think this is a very good book and it has a very good message

Jul 05, 2020 02:28 AM
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Great read!

Review by LittleFire

This is a very good book about a girl who is addicted to her phone and gets it taken away because of that. She then learns that she doesn't need the social media that she thought she needed.

Jul 02, 2020 05:18 PM
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Queen of Likes

Review by Israelibelle

This book is about a girl who is obsessed with her phone, she breaks the rules of when she can use her phone and when she can't and she has to learn how to go without her phone.

Jul 02, 2020 03:23 PM