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Short and BORING!!!!!! :(

Review by soccerreader8

I read this in 20 minutes. I didn't think ANYTHING interesting happened. I also found it a little sad.

Jul 23, 2017 07:33 PM
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Review by RubyG

This book was boring and it taught me little about Jewish history but the author didn't even make it fun.

Jun 07, 2017 10:37 PM
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this book stinks

Review by skaterkid

do not read this

Jun 06, 2017 07:25 AM
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Review by Yaellerocks

boring and silly. beware, people that read long books. it takes 20 minutes to read it. i learned a little more Jewish history.

Jun 05, 2017 04:11 PM
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Review by eldest1

I got this book because I saw that it was a sequel to Jerusalem Under Siege and I had forgotten how bad that one was so I got it. I read it and it may have been even WORSE than the first one, which means it was really really bad. As usual, Dan and Sharon thought they were so smart but they're NOT!!! They are actually really dumb. I can't believe there are supposed to be 35 of these book eventually. I would NEVER read the rest of them and I really regret wasting 20 minute reading this. These books are really short, too. they take 15-20 minutes to read. If I could give this book 0 stars I would.

Mar 02, 2017 11:39 AM