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pretty good book

Review by Music

at first this book was reeeeeeeeally interesting,it had lots of cool characters and interesting mysteries.but the ending....not so interesting.

Jul 17, 2016 07:11 AM
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Very Interesting

Review by spotted leaf

At first I didn't really like this book, but when I kept reading I thought it was really amazing. This book is good if you like art and time travel. It also has some mystery and adventure. The book was really fun to read. I think you will like this book.

Jun 03, 2016 09:40 PM
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if you like time travel, you will like this

Review by Design Team

I liked the way Mira meets lots of famous people including artists when she goes to look for her mom. I give this book 5 stars because it has adventure and you learn about real people from the past. Yovel, 10, Israel

Jun 01, 2016 03:26 AM