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Review by QuieroLibros

I really liked this book. I liked the way Mira got to go back in time, and that part of her time was spent in the past and part of her time was spent in her current time. But I felt sad that she didn't see her mother for a lot of the book. And when she did, her mother ran away.

Apr 29, 2017 01:18 PM
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No! Don't read.....unless you love these things.

Review by archiedoodles

Try something else. Kinda hard to follow, and absolutely boring. I liked the sadness in beginning where Mira get's her mom's letter. Don't read it unless you LOVE time travel.

Apr 18, 2017 03:42 PM
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this book was very intresting

Review by joyfulnoise

it was strange

Apr 12, 2017 07:39 PM
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Good But Not Great

Review by RosieRose

Mira’s Diary is a book about a girl who gets unexpectedly thrown back in time to Paris in the late 1800’s. However, there are some inconsistencies on that front. There are too many random French people who can speak flawless English. Also, once in a while our main character, Mira, is suddenly able to read long sentences in French even though she admits to never having been taught in it. Mira also sometimes seems slightly too romantically driven, even though many very important things are at stake. For instance on page 58 when Claude has kissed Mira’s hand, Mira thinks A kiss! At last! The use of exclamation points here is not needed. It would make Mira sound much more mature and grateful if these sentences are punctuated with periods. Otherwise this book is good. Clearly, the author intends to have a sequel, since it ends on a cliffhanger.

Apr 10, 2017 04:49 PM
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Not so great.

Review by archiedoodles

This book wasn't really that interesting. In fact, I only read about half of it, I got so bored. Don't bother to read it. Unless you really like traveling, and books that don't put much effort into reading.

Apr 09, 2017 04:40 PM