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a great book

Review by icyicecream

i recomend this book because its awsome with twits and turns along the way its an amayzing book

Jan 02, 2024 03:43 PM
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The Time Tunnel:Jerusalem Under Siege

Review by Knights

My Sister Got it, but I want it More! "Red or Regret" I made that saying up.

Jan 01, 2024 01:44 PM
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Amazing book, really enjoyed

Review by jewishbooks3d

This book is an easy read if you don't want to read something more difficult highly recomended

Mar 04, 2023 02:48 PM
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A great book

Review by PaleontologistP

This is a great book to start off with! also great series

Jan 04, 2022 09:15 AM
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THE SIME TUNNEL jerusalem under siege

Review by Soccer1212

I love it amazing!

Apr 07, 2021 04:04 PM