Pink Sippers, Bat Mitzvah Blues is an amazing book because it really explains a lot of details. Plus, a lot of it is about friendship. I really enjoyed reading it. It talks about ballet, having a Bat mitzvah, confirmation class, and about Alyssa's sick best friend and her helping her best friend get better. I would recommend this book for anyone who wants to hear about a Bat mitzvah, ballet, and friendship.
It has a lot of unnecessary details and i literally zoned out a few times. i did not finish the book because i didn't find it at all interesting. there's really no suspense or story line. i wouldn't suggest this story for people who like suspense.
This book is sooooo not good! I would not recommend it at all. It's super, super cliche!!!
I loved this book! Because it shows Alyssa's struggle for all the things she must do. Ballet, confirmation class, and helping her friends. I hope you take my offer and read this book!!
Pink Slippers, Bat mitzvah Blues is one of the best books I've ever read. This is also quite easy to understand. I suggest this book for kids 9-13. I %101 suggest reading this book! All of the characters in the book are nice. If I told you anything else, I would be spoiling it.