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I really liked this book

Review by supernonni

I learned a lot of things about Albert Einstein and also about history.

Feb 09, 2018 07:24 AM
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Review by Zephyros777

This was a good book, and it taught me many things that I erroneously thought I knew about Einstein. Although the level of difficulty and details were far less than I was anticipating, it was okay overall. *Read: Terrible

Feb 08, 2018 09:44 PM
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Who was Albert Einstein? Lets find out!

Review by JIFAwesome

I always new Albert was jewish, but I didn't know he suggested the atomic bomb (atom bomb) and lots of other things like I-Phones!

Feb 07, 2018 09:30 PM
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pretty good

Review by Bubby2000

It was good but, sometimes I got bored reading it.

Feb 07, 2018 10:20 AM
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Full of facts I never knew!!!

Review by agatha

I never knew that Albert Einstein was Jewish!! Why did Albert give up his family?????? I didn't know anything about him moving a lot and other things about his life. This book showed me facts about Albert Einstein I never knew. AWESOME!!!! I love this book!!

Feb 06, 2018 08:56 PM