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Not that good

Review by MathNerd

Don't read this book, it was pretty bad and not that interesting.

Feb 05, 2017 05:31 PM
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Review by maymay416

This book was excellent! I received it at Camp Ramah in California, and read it in 1 day! There is a lot this book has to say! I would DEFINITELY read OyMG!

Feb 03, 2017 07:20 PM
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OyMG I liked so much

Review by green726

I liked this book a lot. I think its really cool how a Jewish girl like Ellie can survive so well at a Christian camp. She actually manages pretty well. This book is really good and I encourage you to get it.

Jan 04, 2017 06:31 PM
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OyMG was OMG

Review by arwtucson

I loved this book! It had a little of everything: friendship, Judaism, comedy, drama, family, and even a little romance! I would totally recommend this book for you to read.

Jan 02, 2017 08:05 PM
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Christian Camp, Jewish Girl, Oy Vey

Review by Sandstorm

WARNING: Spoiler Alert!!!!!!!!!!!!! I would totally give this 5 stars, except for the fact that some characters almost die, and some characters are just REALLY INTENSE!

Dec 04, 2016 08:18 PM