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Review by Tbird123

I didn't even get halfway through. this book bored me to a point were the only way i used it was as a stand for drawing in the subway! :(

Jul 07, 2017 07:53 AM
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good book

Review by matzoballsoup

This book is about how a Jewish girl learns to be proud of herself, even if others aren't. I enjoyed it! It really captures the feeling of being under pressure, and it felt good to break free of it with Ellie. I liked the theme of 'you can't be half Jewish'. I recommend this to realistic fiction likers and people who like humor. Good book!

Jul 02, 2017 10:09 PM
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Amazing book

Review by friendy78910

It was super good. Ellie has to make a decision to choose to stand up and be Jewish or to pretend to be Christian. She wants to get the scholarship for the school Benedicts because of it's speech program only to find out that the grandmother of the guy she's dating (the grandmother gives out a scholarship every year) is a racist. What is she gonna do? Stand up for her religion or hide? Read the book to find out.

Jul 02, 2017 08:12 PM
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Review by haalt518

this book taught me that you should never not be proud of your religion

Jul 02, 2017 06:44 PM
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OyMG was soooooo good!

Review by NeedingReading

I loved this book because it is about drama, and when you read about drama, you learn what to do in this type of a situation. This book was about a girl named Ellie, who loves to argue. She has been trying to get into this school that is really, really, really good. At their camp, one lucky person gets a scholarship each year to go to this place. Ellie knows that she will win it, so she thinks that this is a great idea, only one problem... it is a Christian place, and she is Jewish. When she goes there, she meets a really cute boy, who ends up being her boyfriend. Only one problem... his grandma runs that camp and school! Also, no one except for her BFF knows she is Jewish. What is going to happen??? Read OyMG to find out!!! Thanks for reading!!! :-)

Jun 30, 2017 08:25 PM