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Review by StrawberryCutie

This book is NOT for 10 year olds. I would recommend it to a 13 year old.

Aug 06, 2017 04:19 PM
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Teenaged Family/Religion Drama

Review by gymnastgirl07

OyMG is a dramatic read. It explained why 14-year-old Ellie Taylor needs to mark herself Lutheran and keep it a secret from her family, which included her crazy, stubborn, Orthodox grandpa who worries mainly about his soup. Ellie is at a Christian debate camp, and she loves a good argument, so what could go wrong? A lot. Ellie was raised Jewish (even though her dad is Lutheran) and her camp is her only ticket to the best high school in the country. This is a problem because the head judge has a problem with Jews, and if she knows Ellie's Jewish, she won't have a chance at making it to Benedict's, the camp linked to her camp, CSSPA. What will Ellie do? The answer is in this book.

Aug 06, 2017 11:29 AM
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So much boring. Zzzzzzzzzzzzz. Boo

Review by emilyhirsh

Aug 05, 2017 12:13 PM
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So contemporary !

Review by Farfallina06

This book is amazing! It made me think of boy-girl relationships more. I totally loved this book!

Aug 02, 2017 02:40 PM
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OyMG it is good

Review by littlelady

I liked it because it was funny and I like how there were many problems but they all had solutions.

Aug 01, 2017 07:20 PM