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Awesome! you really felt for the characters

Review by Scoobs

At first Maria is spying on the Delgados, but after awhile she starts to like them and become really close with them. I would highly recommend this book for you if you like books about friendship and books that are mysterious.

Jan 03, 2018 05:47 PM
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Super book

Review by freckleface

Very emotional, religious, but very good.

Jan 03, 2018 03:49 PM
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Pretty good!

Review by inventingmind

This book was really interesting. You get to here both sides of the story, and find out why the Spanish government was kicking out all Jews, even the Conversos, the Jews that converted to Christianity. I would totally recommend it!

Jan 01, 2018 09:01 PM
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Review by Asher

Review by Rgcamire

“Secrets in the House of Delgado” is a good book by Gloria D. Miklowitz about the Spanish Inquisition. It is really mysterious, and it was soooooooo good! It’s about a maid servant in a Converso household that’s having lot of problems and it’s a little sad at the end.

Dec 12, 2017 11:01 AM
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Good Book!!!!!

Review by 123magicalbooks

This was a good book. I did NOT like how she (the author) put it in a Catholic's perspective, though. I felt as though Maria criticized the Jews a lot. Other than that , though I thought that this was a really good book.

Dec 07, 2017 12:27 PM