When i started reading it i couldn't stop
It is so existing. So you or on the eg or you seat book! I love it 🥰
NOW is the third book in a trilogy, but you can read them in any order you want. I have only read NOW, but I really want to read ONCE and THEN because NOW was amazing. But back to NOW. I love this book, because it has a gripping story. There are some parts that are very serious and a bit scary, but this book really shows how people are different on the inside then they are on the outside (and, in this book, I sometimes mean that quite literally.) The characters were very complicated and that made the story more believable, as well as made you care about them more. I absolutely recommend this book!
It was a great book and I couldn't stop reading it! I couldn't put this amazing Holocaust book down. This book was filled with unexpected suprizes and plot twists. When you read this book you feel like you are there with the characters in the book because its so detailed!! I would recomend this book for sure!!!
I really enjoyed this book, my mother and sister read it and enjoyed it too.