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barely could put it down

Review by mj711

this book taught me a lot about friendship . It made think how i would survive life in the wild west.

Jan 06, 2016 07:53 PM
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Review by laxdudette1230

I thought this book would be better than it is.

Jan 06, 2016 07:07 PM
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So funny but also smart and clever!

Review by super._hannah

Rabbi Harvey is a crime fighting Rabbi who uses his smarts to get out of trouble. Lets put it this way, Harvey is the Judge at a court and a police officer, as well as your synagogue's Rabbi! He is the Jewish superman! This book is perfect for anyone who loves a good adventure, anyone who likes to laugh, or someone who loves reading about politics! READ THIS BOOK!

Nov 29, 2015 10:10 AM
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Review by Pittsburgh

If you read my last review, that was a typo. I meant to say that this book is a TOTALLY AWESOME GRAPHIC NOVEL! It is really funny how Rabbi Harvey can outsmart everyone. This is a great story for kids that don't like to read much.

Oct 07, 2015 07:14 PM
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Review by Pittsburgh

Oct 07, 2015 07:08 PM