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Review by rasenne

this is a awesome book, the second book in the rabbi harvey sires. (please note it is a prequel.) this book is about the classic rabbi harvey, the good old rabbi. but when a new, younger rabbi comes to town, they both agree. their is only room for one rabbi. it is full of action and i like it very much! definetley recomend!

Nov 02, 2021 09:18 PM
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Outstanding Read

Review by kronmanj

Do you like graphic novels? Do you like show downs? Well then this is the book for you. It is a mix of graphic novel and comic book. It tells the story of a showdown between Rabbi Harvey and the Wisdom Kid. I highly recommend

Nov 02, 2021 08:29 PM
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Rabbi Harvey verses the Wisdom Kid

Review by alohacat12

This book is full of inspiring stories, strategy-solving characters, and Jewish fun! I love this book from the depths of my heart and am never going to stop re-reading it.

Nov 02, 2021 07:37 PM
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Review by LaylaB

this was super good i recomend it

Nov 02, 2021 07:33 PM
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Rabbi Harvey VS. the Wisdom Kid

Review by EMB

This book is great if you like to read graphic novels. It is a book with a little this and a little that. The characters always do something you don't expect. Read the book to find out what happens!

Nov 02, 2021 07:24 PM